
Vogue interview with Jony Ive and Marc Newson

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Vogue interview with Jony Ive and Marc Newson

Vogue interview with Apple designers Jony Ive and Marc Newson

British Vogue on Friday posted full video footage of a recent interview that had editor Suzy Menkes talking with Apple design gurus Jony Ive and Marc Newson about Apple Watch and its place in the luxury market.

Menkes asked how Ive would respond to brands that might view Apple Watch as an attempt on the “luxury world,” an entrenched industry defined by expensive handbags, jewelry, clothing and other high-priced items.

“I think that we’re on a path that’s the same path that Apple really determined to be on in the 70s, which was to try and make technology approachable and relevant and personal,” – Ive said.

Menkes followed up with a more pointed question, “There’s no doubt that you are now producing things that may be more desirable than traditional luxury to consumers, particularly the younger consumers. Don’t you think that’s true?”

“I don’t know, we’ll see. We’ll see,” Ive said, eliciting a chuckle from the crowd. He hedged somewhat, adding, “That was not our intent at all. Our intent has remained the same and is consistent which has been to try and take what is remarkable technology in terms of its capability and its utility, and to make it more and more personal.”

“The product that I buy next week — it will be more capable and will do things I cannot possibly imagine in just six months time,” Ive said. “Now I think that’s extraordinary. I don’t know how we can compare these wonderful mechanical watches that we own and the product that has such a comprehensive functionality and capability that will grow and change beyond our imagining.”


via video Youtube and image Vanity Fair

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